Marriage Consultation
Focused on the timing of your marriage and the life after marriage
Service Description
Marriage is a karmic union of love and attraction that helps you settle major karmic debts from past lives. The 7th house in your birth chart reveals these significant karmic debts, which can be resolved through marital partnership. In this in-depth consultation, I will analyse your birth chart and divisional charts to provide insights into: 1. The specific karmic debts you carry into your marriage. 2. Whether these debts are positive or challenging in nature. 3. How you will repay these karmic debts in your relationship. 4. What you will gain in return for settling these debts. This reading also includes: 1. The timing of your marriage. 2. Insights into your married life and partner’s traits. 3. Remedies (if needed) to strengthen and enhance your marriage. After the meeting, you will receive the recording, a detailed personalised horoscope and a typewritten PDF report summarising the key points we discussed.
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