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Combinations for Wealth in the Birth Chart

Wealth refers to the resources that you possess to sustain yourself in the world. These resources can be classified into three types: physical wealth (good health), mental wealth (strong mind), and material wealth (movable and immovable assets). In this discussion, we will focus on material wealth. The amount of wealth you have creates an impression in society that you are stronger and smarter than others, regardless of the fact.

There are various ways in which one can acquire wealth throughout their life. In astrology, the 2nd house is known as the house of wealth (dhana bhava). This house serves as a vault where one stores their gains, leading to increased value and fame in society. Some individuals are born into wealthy families and inherit pre-filled vaults in their 2nd house, while others must fill their vaults with their own skills and efforts based on their karma.

In addition to the 2nd house, it's important to understand the significance of other houses related to wealth.

  • The 1st house is considered the most auspicious house since it represents the self and is responsible for bringing us into this world.

  • The 5th house is associated with speculative gains such as stock market, entertainment industry, lotteries and anything you bet on. This house also governs creativity and intelligence, which are crucial for achieving wealth.

  • The 9th house is the house of luck and fortune, as it governs higher education, long-distance travel, and spiritual pursuits. People with strong 9th house placements are blessed with good luck and opportunities in life.

  • The 11th house is associated with income from work and all types of gains that come from all other houses such as inheritance, lottery, investments etc. This house also governs friendships, networks, and social connections that can help you gain wealth.

The combination of these four houses, along with the 2nd house, is considered the most powerful for achieving wealth. The connection between these houses needs to be confirmed by analyzing the Ascendant chart, Moon chart and Navamsha chart. The stronger the connection between these houses, the greater the potential for wealth.

To verify this claim, I conducted a study on over 200 charts of successful individuals, including entrepreneurs, celebrities, monarchs, and heirs of wealthy families. It was found that all of them had a strong connection between these houses without exception.

Example charts

1. In the birth chart of Giorgio Armani, the renowned fashion industry mogul, the lords of the 1st, 2nd, and 5th houses are conjoined in the 12th house. Additionally, the 9th lord is casting an aspect on both the 9th and 11th houses. Furthermore, the 11th lord, Venus, is favorably placed in the 11th house and casting an aspect on the 5th house. These planetary placements and aspects suggest a strong potential for accumulating wealth and gains through creative pursuits and speculative ventures, as well as favorable luck and fortune.

Giorgio Armani's birth chart
Armani's birth chart

In the Moon chart of Giorgio Armani, there is a conjunction of the 1st, 2nd, and 11th lords in the 1st house of Gemini. The 5th lord is also strongly placed in the 12th house. The 9th lord is also well-positioned in the 9th house and is aspecting the 11th house. Moreover, in the navamsha chart, there is a conjunction of the 2nd, 9th, and 11th lords in the 6th house of Cancer, while the 5th and 1st lords are mutually aspecting each other. These combinations strongly confirm the presence of wealth in his chart.


2. In Henry Ford's birth chart, the combination of wealth is strongly evident as the 1st, 2nd, and 11th lords are all conjunct in the 12th house. Additionally, the 5th and 9th lords are well-placed in the 2nd and 1st houses, respectively. These connections between various houses confirm the potential for financial success in his chart..

Henry ford's birth chart
Henry ford's birth chart

In Henry Ford's Moon chart, the 1st, 2nd and 5th lords are positioned in the 9th house, while the 9th lord is casting an aspect on the 1st house and the 11th lord is aspecting the 11th and 2nd houses. Additionally, in his Navamsha chart, the 2nd and 11th lords are placed in the 12th house, the 1st lord is in the 5th house and aspecting the 11th house, the 5th lord is casting an aspect on the 2nd house, and lastly, the 9th lord is aspecting the 12th house. These planetary placements confirm the combination of wealth in his chart.

I do not take other parameters into consideration, such as planetary strength, house dignities, nakshatras, and so on. However, these parameters provide intricate details of the event. The connection is the most important factor as it creates opportunities to bring wealth in the first place.

3. In the chart of Jay Leno, the well-known American TV host and avid collector of cars and motorbikes, the combination of wealth can be seen through the conjunction of the 1st, 2nd, and 11th lords are in the 8th house. Additionally, this combination is aspecting the 2nd house, where the 5th lord is placed, creating a mutual aspect. The 9th lord is also strongly placed in the 5th house and is aspecting the 11th house, further confirming the connection of wealth in his chart.

Jay leno's birth chart
Jay leno's birth chart

In Jay Leno's moon chart, the 1st and 9th lords are exchanging places, then 2nd and 11th lords Mercury in the 10th house. The 5th lord is aspecting both the 11th and 1st houses, and the 5th and 9th lords are mutually aspecting each other. In the navamsha chart, the 1st and 5th lords are exchanging places, as are the 2nd and 9th lord is Venus placed in the 10th house. The 11th lord is placed in the 1st house with the 5th lord. All these planetary configurations confirm the connection between the wealth houses in Jay Leno's chart.


4. Queen Elizabeth II's chart shows the 1st and 5th lords conjoined in the 2nd house, while the 2nd and 5th lords are in exchange with each other. The 9th lord is placed in the 5th house and aspecting the 11th house, and the 11th lord is aspecting the 9th house. This combination indicates the potential for wealth accumulation through personal creativity and self-expression, as well as through good fortune and beneficial connections with others..

Queen Elizabeth's birth chart
Queen Elizabeth's birth chart

In Queen Elizabeth II's Moon chart, the 1st, 5th, and 9th lords form a mutual aspect, indicating a strong connection between her personality, creativity, and good fortune. Additionally, the 11th lord aspects the 2nd house, which is related to wealth and possessions, and the 5th lord aspects the 2nd lord, 2nd house and the 1st house, indicating her potential to accumulate wealth through her own efforts and creativity.

In the Navamsha chart, the 1st and 5th lords are together in the 10th house, indicating success and recognition in her career. The 2nd lord aspects the 1st and 5th lords, as well as the 2nd and 5th houses and the 11th lord, further emphasizing the potential for financial gain through her creativity and career.The 11th lord is placed in the 5th house and aspects the 11th house, indicating her ability to generate income through her investments and speculation.


5. Leonardo DiCaprio, the famous Hollywood actor, has the 1st, 2nd, and 9th lords conjoined in the 2nd house, indicating a strong connection between his self-expression, personal resources, and beliefs. Additionally, the 11th lord is placed in the 1st house, suggesting that his social networks and aspirations are intimately tied to his identity. Furthermore, the 5th and 11th lords are both under the rulership of the 1st lord Mercury, reinforcing the importance of creativity, self-expression, and networking in his chart.

Leonardo Dicaprio's birth chart
Leonardo Dicaprio's birth chart

Leonardo DiCaprio's Moon chart is the same as the Ascendant chart. In the Navamsha chart, the 1st, 2nd, and 9th lords are found in the 12th house, while the 11th lord has control over them and is aspecting them. The 5th lord is in the 5th house and is aspecting the 11th house.


The above examples demonstrate that the houses 2, 5, 9, and 11 are associated with wealth in various ways. The connection between these houses with the 1st house is the key factor that brings maximum wealth through various means. It is noteworthy that the connection between these five houses was consistently established in all three charts of the natives, i.e., the Ascendant, Moon, and Navamsha.

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