Shukra aka Venus is a fascinating and distinct Graha (Planet) in our solar system. As the brightest planet in the sky, it shines like a star, always preceding or following the Sun (Surya) due to its proximity. One can see Venus in the sky at dawn or at dusk. Venus is our closest neighbor, reflecting about 70% of the sunlight, making it the brightest. It is also the only planet that rotates clockwise.

Lord Shukracharya
Shukra graha is named after its creator Lord Shukracharya, as per the Purana. Shukracharya was a student of Brihaspati aka Jupiter, before becoming the Guru of the Asuras. He possessed immense wisdom and was as powerful and competitive as Brihaspati, which was one of the reasons for him to become the Asuraguru. Seeing the asuras without anyone to guide them, and harboring a strong dislike for the devas, he took on the role of their mentor, recognizing the important role they played in the functioning of the lokas.
Lord Shukracharya is charming, who enjoys life to the fullest and maintains a humorous demeanor even during difficult times. He holds great affection for all people, particularly those who are less fortunate. Despite his penchant for drinking, he remains a devout follower of God Shiva, who bestowed upon him the powerful Sanjeevani Mantra that has the ability to revive the dead, a secret even unknown to Brihaspati. Shukracharya is a quick learner and has acquired numerous skills and blessings beyond what was taught to him. According to Purana, he was born from the semen of God Shiva. He also an eye during a conflict with Lord Vamana, an avatar of God Vishnu.
Shukracharya is known for his generous nature and he grants blessings to his devotees quicker than other gods, making him a highly beneficial deity. Its important to note that the planet Venus, in the Western context, was given its name after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty.

Significations (Karakas)
Venus is associated with love, beauty, romance, marriage, partnership, fertility, female sexuality, water, arable lands, arts, performing arts, fashion, comedy, happiness, fun, parties, sensual pleasures, wealth (especially liquid assets), sweets (liquid ones), exotic foods, devotion, and spirituality. In terms of human significations, Venus is linked to women, wives, feminine nature, designers, artists, and female friends. Venus and Jupiter share some similarities and differences, as they are both complementary and oppositional in nature. Thus, Venus is considered the counterpart of Jupiter in the context of marriage synastry. While Venus represents semen, Jupiter represents children.
Lord Shukracharya is a male deity, but the planet Shukra (Venus) is associated with femininity due to Shukracharya's attributes, such as the ability to bring life back, to love, help, nurture, cherish, and to be creative, artistic, poetic, funny, and dramatic. In addition, Venus is linked to water and arable lands, which are the backbone of our civilization. A closer examination reveals that water and arable lands possess qualities similar to those of Venus, such as nourishment, growth, and fertility. In return, a weak or damaged Venus can show substance abuse and cheating in partnerships.
A powerful Venus in one's astrological chart can result in physical attractiveness, particularly for women, as well as a vibrant and lively personality, marked by creativity, humor and devotion. Individuals influenced by Venus are known for their ability to bring energy and excitement to any situation, much like the Sanjeevani Mantra. They are willing to take risks in order to experience joy and pleasure. Venus is the third brightest object in the sky, after the Sun and the Moon, and its placement in one's chart can greatly impact their creativity, pleasures, fun, and joy in areas where they are most devoted to.
Venus reaches maturity at the age of 25, which is often when people begin to gain a deeper understanding of life and discover new ways to derive pleasure from it. Additionally, the numbers 6 and 30 are significant in relation to Venus.
Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo
Its ruling signs are Taurus and Libra
It gets direction strength (digbala) in the South (4th house)
Ruling direction is Southeast
Associated colour is white (secondary colours are pink and purple)
Its a rajassic graha
Ruling deity is Indrani/Lakshmi
Venus represents jala (water) and its ruling body part is mouth.
Exaltation and Debilitation
Venus attains exaltation in Pisces zodiac, his most powerful position. To better understand this let's put Venus in Pisces and analyze from there. Venus seeks to embrace the utmost fun and joy in life, and is filled with love, passion, artistic talents, and devotion. She aspires to be an inspiration and enlivener of all things. Venus delights in experiencing deep sensual pleasures that transcend words, and cherishes the bonds of union, particularly between a man and a woman. She is guided by her intuition and emotions, rather than logic, and her aim is not to lead or instruct, but rather to motivate individuals to discover their own paths of creative expression.
Pisces, being the natural ruler of the 12th house of dreams, imagination, and sensual pleasures, is Venus's favored domain. As the most intuitive and emotional zodiac sign, Pisces resonates with Venus's desires. Venus brings vitality to life, as represented by her 2nd house in Aries. She is drawn to relationships and unionships, as represented by the 4th house in Gemini. Her responsibility to society is to stimulate constant innovation and development, as represented by the 10th house in Sagittarius, which represents a purifying fire. Even Venus's adversaries can be motivated to embrace their creativity, as represented by the 6th house in Leo, the house of creative fire. There is much more to be said about Venus, but this should convey the essence of her personality and aspirations.
On the other hand, Virgo is the debilitation sign of Venus. Lets put Venus in Virgo to analyze. Virgo is the natural 6th sign, associated with qualities such as logic, precision, and attention to detail, which are counter to Venus' natural affinity for pleasure and enjoyment. In Virgo, Venus must carry out her duties with the utmost care and seriousness, leaving little room for imagination and sensual pleasures, which are often restricted by the sign's dry and barren nature. As a result, Venus in Virgo may have limited dreams and imaginings, as they tend to be confined by logical boundaries. This can lead to a sense of detachment and emotional emptiness, as Venus struggles to express her creative and inspirational qualities, as represented by her 12th house in Leo. Her efforts to inspire and create may yield disappointing results, as represented by her 3rd house in Scorpio. Finally, Venus in Virgo may only form relationships with others based on their ability to help accomplish a specific task, rather than out of love or affection, as represented by her 10th house in Gemini. In this way, Virgo's influence can leave Venus feeling deprived of her natural desires and needs.
Note: The concept of exaltation and debilitation presented here is the result of extensive observational research and contemplation over the years.