Life can be compared to a game where we are the players. The ultimate goal of life is to achieve liberation through heightened consciousness, which cannot be attained in a single lifetime. Therefore, we take birth after birth to prepare ourselves for this ultimate purpose, advancing to higher levels with each new birth. Each birth comes with specific objectives (prarabdha karma) based on the karmic debts we have incurred along the way, and we strive to fulfill them, thus fulfilling our destiny or purpose. "Astrology serves as the blueprint for this game of life we play."
Fate vs Destiny
In Sanskrit, the term Vidhi is used to describe fate. Vidhi explains important aspects of one's life, including
who you are,
why you are here,
what you will achieve, and
how you will achieve it.
Fate and destiny are two different terms. While destiny only shows what you will achieve, fate encompasses all of the aforementioned aspects. Therefore, fate is a more appropriate term for Vidhi, as it shows both the path and destiny. To avoid confusion, we can categorize the aforementioned points 1, 2 and 4 as the path, and 3 as the destiny. By understanding 1 and 2, we can understand our prarabdha karma (past and present), while understanding 3 and 4 allows us to comprehend our agámi karma (present and future). By combining all of this knowledge, we can see the purpose of our life. If this concept is unclear, read on for further explanation.
What is Freewill?
Fate and freewill are not mutually exclusive but rather intertwined. They depend on each other and have a complex relationship. A person's fate can influence their freewill, and vice versa. When fate is strong, the individual's freewill may be limited, and when freewill is strong, fate may have less impact. In other words, strong freewill implies weak fate, and strong fate implies weak freewill. However, it's important to note that fate isn't all bad, and freewill isn't all good. Some people are skilled at making the right choices using their freewill, while others are not. Ultimately, both fate and freewill lead to the same destination. As the sole creator of your fate and freewill, it's essential to understand how they interact and affect your life.
Understanding the Purpose of Life with the help of Astrology:
The position of the 6th house from the ascendant and the placement of the 6th lord are crucial in understanding one's prarabdha karma. If both of these factors are strong, it may indicate a strong fate, thus reducing or eliminating free will. However, it is important to note that fate is not always negative, and it is essential to examine whether the strong 6th house and its lord have positive or negative implications. In fact, a positive 6th house and 6th lord can lead to great successes, as seen in the case of a Pisces ascendant with Leo in the 6th house, where a strong 6th house can result in a leadership role that serves the community on a daily basis.
To gain a deeper understanding of your life, it is important to examine your 6th house. Analyze the quality of the sign, its lord, the planets situated in the house, planets situated with the lord, the aspects, nakshatras, and divisions. This is because prarabdha has a significant impact on what you give and receive in life.
To understand the prarabdha associated with each aspect of your life, you can examine the 6th house from the respective house. For instance, the prarabdha of your marriage can be understood by examining the 12th house since it is 6 houses away from your 7th house. Similarly, the prarabdha of your career can be understood by examining the 3rd house since it is 6 houses away from the 10th house. In essence, every house has a reflection of the 6th house, and every house comprises elements of other houses within it.
To comprehend the implementation of prarabdha, you should interpret the chart by taking the 6th house as the ascendant (lagna).
It's a common misconception that the 6th house is always negative. While it does bring challenges, obstacles, and enemies, it also offers opportunities for success, growth, and courage through competition and adversity. In fact, material life is incomplete without the influence of the 6th house. To illustrate this point, imagine watching your favorite movie with all the 6th house elements removed. It's likely that it would no longer be your favorite, as those elements play a critical role in creating tension, conflict, and ultimately, resolution.
The placement of the 10th house and its lord from the lagna determine your agámi or future karma. As the 10th house is five houses away from the 6th house (which is considered as the child of the 10th house), it is believed that your agámi is influenced by your prarabdha. Similarly, the 10th house from any other house in your chart also reveals the agámi of that house. For instance, the 4th house in your chart indicates the agámi of your 7th house, meaning what you will achieve through your marriage and how you will achieve it.
The 6th and 10th houses belong to the artha houses, which indicate sustenance and the reasons for your birth. Your birth into a specific family is based on these reasons, as they are best suited to guide you towards your goals. Once you have determined these reasons, you should examine your dharma trikon to gain insight into your physical body, attributes, lineage, and birth. The dharma trikon consists of the 1st house (representing you, the present), the 9th house (representing your father, the past and present), and the 5th house (representing your ancestors and children, the past and future). If you have two keys to unlock your future, one is held by your artha trikon and the other by your dharma trikon.
The Karma Significator
Saturn is known as the "karma significator (karaka)," which means it executes the consequences of our actions. The position of Saturn is crucial in understanding the karmic journey of a person and is equally important as the 6th and 10th houses. This is not only because of the aforementioned reason but also because Saturn is the significator of the 6th and 10th houses.
Notice the Nodes
According to Vedic astrology, Rahu represents your future and Ketu represents your past. Rahu indicates who you will become and Ketu indicates who you have been. The insights you gain through the previously mentioned techniques are always supported by the positions of Rahu and Ketu in your chart. For instance, if your analysis of dharma and artha indicates that you are destined to become a physicist, then the placement of Rahu and Ketu in your chart will also confirm the same.
In addition to the aforementioned techniques, astrology has other important points such as Bhrigu Bindu and Gandanta Nakshatras that can provide deeper insights into one's karma. Since interpreting some people's karma can be challenging, understanding these points can help unravel even the most complex karmic patterns. Bhrigu Bindu and Gandanta Nakshatras indicate significant events or turning points in life that can have a profound impact on one's destiny. The Gandanta Nakshatras, in particular, are known to untangle long-standing karmic knots.
The sapta vargas, which include d1, d2, d3, d7, d9, d12 and d30, are crucial for comprehensively understanding one's life purpose. It is essential to examine the 6th and 10th houses in each of these divisions.
Example charts

Albert Einstein, an acclaimed physicist, had a strong prarabdha and agámi to fulfill, as revealed by his 6th and 10th house placements. His Moon in the 6th house, 6th lord in the 8th house, and 8th lord in the 10th house suggest an optimal distribution of karma. Moon's placement in the powerful gandanta zone of Jyeshtha in the 6th house indicates a significant fate, meaning that there is less free will in his actions, thoughts, and words. Additionally, the exaltation of the 6th lord in the 8th house reinforces this fact.
The parivartan yoga (exchange) between the 9th and 10th lords, is a strong one. This configuration suggests that Einstein's prarabdha was to unravel profound mysteries in science and space technology. This is further supported by his 6th lord's technical nature and placement with Rahu, the graha of modern science.
His 8th lord in the 10th house is surrounded by two friendly planets, indicating that he was able to conduct his research effectively. Nonetheless, the Pisces placement of his 8th and 9th lord shows potential losses in resources, memory, and other areas. Pisces also suggests that his prarabdha's results will not end in his lifetime since it represents the universe. Hence, his theories and unfinished work continue to be used, analyzed, and debated in the scientific community till date.
The presence of air signs in Albert Einstein's dharma trikon indicates that he had the ability to express his thoughts effectively through words. Moreover, the conjunction of all three dharma lords in the 10th house signifies the ideal alignment of his life with his work and highlights his legacy.

Queen Elizabeth II, the late monarch of England, has an interesting astrological chart. Her 6th and 10th houses are unoccupied, indicating that the execution of her karma is happening through other houses. Her 6th lord is in the 3rd house and 10th lord is in the 4th house, suggesting that her duties and responsibilities are connected to these houses. The lords of these houses are hemming the lagna, indicating that her life is strongly bound by her karma, leaving her with little free will. Additionally, Saturn and Jupiter's aspect on the 6th and 10th houses, respectively, signifies significant responsibilities.
The placement of the dharma lords - Jupiter, Mars, and Sun - in good positions, especially the exalted Mars and Sun in the 2nd and 5th houses, respectively, demonstrate strong family ties, strong lineage, and a powerful social position. Sun, as the ascendant nakshatra lord, and Mars, as the lord of the Sun, confirms the crown. However, Jupiter and Mercury's debility with Ketu in the head indicates a simpleton.
Overall, Queen Elizabeth's life purpose is to communicate what she was told to the masses while living a comfortable life. She appears to be deeply manipulated, which is evident by her 6th lord in Aquarius and its lord in Scorpio, both signs are associated with secrecies and manipulation. Look at the significance of her 3rd house, which is 6th from the 10th house and 10th from the 6th house, and think further.