Predicting solar and lunar eclipses is a useful technique. Vedic astronomy helps determine the exact date and time of eclipses, allowing them to perform rituals to counteract any negative effects. Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon align with the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, while a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon.
The arrangement of the Sun and Moon in the Taurus-Scorpio axis with Rahu and Ketu can be easily visualized using a South Indian chart, as shown in the image. This particular chart depicts the lunar eclipse on May 26th, 2021, and clearly shows the Earth being positioned between the Sun and Moon. To determine the positions of the Sun and Moon relative to the shadow axis, follow these simple steps:
First, identify the central square in the chart as representing the Earth. Next, locate the positions of Rahu and Ketu, which form the shadow axis. Finally, find the positions of the Sun and the Moon in relation to the Earth and the shadow axis.
This image represents a solar eclipse, with both the Sun and Moon situated on the same side. This particular chart is for the solar eclipse on June 10th, 2021. Furthermore, to determine whether it is a partial or full eclipse, one can look at the distance between the luminaries and the shadows. However, it's important to note that the accuracy of this method may be affected by slight errors in degrees made by the software. It's worth noting that if the shadow is within an 8-degree range from the Sun, it is considered a total eclipse, even if the shadow is in a different sign.
Types and Interpretations
Total, partial, annular, and hybrid eclipses are the different varieties of eclipses that occur from time to time. However, predicting the different types of eclipses is a complex task and not yet fully understood. The interpretation part is even more challenging since there are six axes between the 12 zodiac signs and two nodes. Moreover, the Sun is sometimes with Rahu and other times with Ketu. Therefore, interpreting the effects of an eclipse should be based on several factors, such as the zodiac sign, the nodes, the conjunction of planets, and the type of eclipse.
Some common events such as natural disasters and diseases are mentioned in the texts and are usually advised by astrologers. However, good things can also happen during eclipses, especially when the society at large is under a low vibration.