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Bhrigu Bindu (Point of Karmic Path)

After years of observational analysis, I’ve redefined my perspective on the Bhrigu Bindu. Here’s what it is:

What is Bhrigu Bindu

Bhrigu Bindu (BB) aka Bhrigu Point (BP) is a significant point in your birth chart that highlights life lessons and the key aspects of your karmic path. Named after Sage Bhrigu, BB reveals where profound shifts, breakthroughs, or challenges are most likely to occur in your life. It reflects the karmic patterns and knowledge you carry forward from past lives (whether they are progressive or challenging), making it a powerful indicator of your soul’s evolution and karmic journey.

Bindu means a dot or a point in Sanskrit. Bindi comes from Bindu.

How to Calculate the Bhrigu Bindu

The Bhrigu Bindu (BB) is the exact midpoint between Rahu (North Node of the Moon) and the Moon in your birth chart. To calculate it, first locate Rahu and the Moon in your chart, note both their zodiac signs and degrees. Measure the distance between Rahu’s degree and the Moon’s degree, divide this distance by two, and the resulting degree is your Bhrigu Bindu.

For example, if Rahu is at 15° Aries and the Moon is at 25° Taurus, the distance between them is 40°. Dividing by two gives 20°, so the Bhrigu Bindu falls at 5° Taurus, 20° after Rahu and 20° before the Moon.

Bhrigu Bindu in a New Light

Here’s something most astrologers won’t tell you, the Bhrigu Bindu (BB) represents the intersection of your desires and emotions. It reveals how your desires influence your emotional responses and how your emotions, in turn, shape your desires. It is how your Agami Karma is created, so BB offers insight into your Agami Karma as well.

Rahu represents your unfulfilled desires and the Moon represents your mind and emotions. The BB is the mean point or balance point that oscillates between these two forces. If the BB is strong then you’ll have balanced desires and emotions. The strength of the BB indicates how harmoniously your desires and emotions align, thus guiding you toward balanced decision-making and creating more intentional karma.

Agami Karma (AK) is formed by your reactions to Prarabdha Karma. Prarabdha Karma (PK) is the karmic debt that you're paying back in this lifetime. Agami represents the karma you generate in the present, which will shape your future. This is where the BB comes into play, it reveals the type of karma you're creating now that will influence both the remainder of this life and future lives. For example, imagine a person whose PK leads them to experience poverty. Depending on the position of their Bhrigu Bindu (BB), this individual might respond by becoming reckless and engaging in unethical actions, or they would choose to cultivate patience and hard work to become successful.

Many astrologers view the BB solely as a marker for significant life events. While this is true, they don’t know that BB also serves as an indicator of the native's core behavioural patterns. It reveals how you instinctively react to life’s opportunities and challenges.

Bhrigu Bindu is a valuable tool for predicting your basic instincts and innate reactions. Since AK focuses on the actions you take in the present life, the BB can help identify potential emotional triggers linked to your deep desires.

Karmic Analysis

To gain a deeper understanding of the BB it is crucial to analyse its position in one's chart—specifically, whether it resides in a benefic or malefic house, and if it’s conjunct or aspected by benefic or malefic planets. The BB can withstand mild to moderate malefic influences, but it’s always beneficial to have the support of Jupiter or Venus. 

Another important factor is the relationship between the BB and its dispositor. A trikona or kendra relationship indicates a supportive placement. Conversely, if the BB and its ruler are in challenging relationships, such as the 6-8 or 8-6 axes, life scenarios can become repetitive and karmic. In such cases, similar situations may recur in a native's life, reflecting unresolved patterns that need addressing.

When slow-moving planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, or Ketu transit your Bhrigu Point, it often triggers significant life events that can lead to greater awareness and major transformation.

Bhrigu Bindu and Destiny

Bhrigu Point is commonly referred to as the "Destiny Point," as it represents the oscillation of human experiences. It provides insights into how unresolved past-life karmas manifest in current emotional struggles. As slow-moving planets transit through this point, they can trigger significant karmic breakthroughs, revealing hidden aspects of one’s character and leading to profound transformations. By analysing the sign, nakshatra, and degree of the BB, you can gain insights into your emotional and spiritual journey.

If BP is connected to your 1st house or 1st lord, 10th house or 10th lord, it indicates that you will be actively engaged in addressing the karmic responsibilities associated with this point throughout your life. Conversely, if BB is located in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, it indicates a short-term yet intense karmic scenario meant to propel you forward.

Bhrigu Bindu in Predictions

BB acts as a karmic wormhole, allowing you to fulfil karmic debts from many lifetimes ago. How can you identify? Simply observe the transits of Rahu or Ketu over your BB and note what significant events occurred during those times. Unique and often strange occurrences tend to happen with these transits. When I compare the charts of individuals involved in these scenarios, there is consistently a karmic connection that draws them together during the transit. Some people even report encountering strange animals (like spirit animals) either in dreams or in reality that convey messages related to impending questions or issues in their lives. Additionally, it's important to remember that even transit aspects over BB can significantly influence your karmic journey.

Apart from this, BB is used in all sorts of predictions incl.

  • Spiritual Growth: Understanding emotional triggers (linked to desires) can facilitate personal transformation.

  • Education: Insights from the BB can guide academic pursuits and learning experiences.

  • Career: BB offers predictions about professional paths and opportunities.

  • Relationships: It can reveal dynamics in personal connections, guiding emotional responses.

  • Marriage: BB helps understand the karmic lessons tied to partnership.

  • Wealth: It indicates potential financial situations based on karmic patterns.

  • Travel and Settlement: BB can provide insights into geographical and residential changes.

  • Health: It highlights areas of vulnerability and potential health challenges.

I use BB analysis in all my readings, check my readings section to get your Bhrigu Bindu analysis done today.


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