Vedic Astrology, also known as Vedanga Jyotish, has ancient Indian origins dating back over 7,000 years. It finds its roots in the spiritual texts of the Vedas, especially the Rig Veda. Jyotish, meaning "science of light," was traditionally shared orally from teacher (guru) to student (sishya). It served as a tool for ancient sages to grasp how celestial energies impact our lives through time.
Uniqueness of Vedic system
Embark on a Vedic journey where your Horoscope (Jathakam/Kundli) is the celestial snapshot that reveals the positions of the planets and stars when you were born. Think of it as a celestial GPS, charting the positions of planets and stars in the vast sky. But the intrigue doesn't end there! In this ancient system, the sky is divided into 12 vibrant zodiacs, akin to chapters in a book. Each zodiac narrates a unique story about your life, with planets as dynamic characters, weaving tales of destiny based on their ever-shifting positions and relationships.
Graha vs. Planet
The terms "graha" and "planet" are often used interchangeably. While "planet" typically refers to celestial bodies orbiting stars or black holes, "graha" refers to the celestial bodies (including planets and stars) in the sky that are capable of influencing us. Vedic astrology recognizes nine such grahas, each possessing its own unique characteristics. Throughout this website, you will find both terms used for the convenience of readers.
Zodiacs, Houses, and Their Interplay
Zodiac signs, or "rashis," in astrology correspond to the constellations along the path of planetary motion. Houses, on the other hand, are zodiac signs calculated from the given ascendant of a horoscope. While signs and houses differ, they both play pivotal roles in interpreting birth charts. Signs are akin to the food plate, while houses are the food itself, infusing flavor into every aspect. A comprehensive understanding of astrology requires consideration of both signs and houses.
Planets don't limit their influence to their designated zodiacs. Through aspects, they cast glances, offering support or challenges to other zodiacs, adding intricate layers to your life stories. When transiting planets draw near to the natal, they craft a conjunction, a celestial waltz of mingling energies.
Dasha System
Its the Vedic astrologer's crystal ball, predicting the ebb and flow of life's journey. Maha Dasha, the major time period and its cascading sub-periods offer glimpses into when fortune may smile upon you or when trials may test your mettle. Every dasha holds a unique tale, just waiting to be discovered.
Nakshatras are lunar constellations in Vedic Astrology, each with unique qualities and attributes. They play a vital role in understanding one's personality, emotions, and life events.
Divisional Charts
Divisional Charts, or Vargas, are special charts derived from your birth chart (Rashi chart). Each Varga focuses on specific life aspects, providing detailed insights into career, relationships, wealth, spiritual growth etc.
Its not just any calendar but a spiritual compass. It serves as a daily guide, illuminating crucial time markers in a day, from the lunar day (Tithi) to the star marking the inception of your daily journey (Nakshatra). Think of it as your daily cosmic weather report!
Difference between Western and Vedic Astrology
Basis of Calculation
Western astrology operates on the 'Tropical Zodiac' – a system aligned to Earth's seasonal shifts. In contrast, Vedic astrology adopts the 'Sidereal Zodiac,' which remains consistent with the celestial constellations.
House Division Variance
The house division methodology differs, with Western astrologers often opting for systems like Placidus or Koch. Vedic practitioners, on the other hand, commonly rely on the Whole Sign House system.
Planetary Considerations
Both systems value celestial bodies, yet Vedic astrology distinctly highlights the Moon's influence and its nodes, Rahu and Ketu. In contrast, Western astrology, while recognizing these, primarily centers on the Sun's role.
Purpose & Approach
Vedic astrology, rich in its karmic and predictive insights, unveils the cosmic interplay of past actions and future outcomes. Western astrology, however, gravitates towards a psychological understanding, delving into personality traits and character.
Dasha System
Dasha system, unique to Vedic astrology is based on planetary periods from time to time. It helps in predicting life events. This system allows Jyotish practitioners to pinpoint events with more specific time frames.
Zodiac Alignment
A key difference is the alignment with constellations. The Tropical Zodiac (Western) shifts with the precession of equinoxes, causing disparity with constellations. The Sidereal Zodiac (Vedic) aligns with star groups, anchoring it to the celestial canvas.