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5 days ago8 min read
Mysteries of Ardra
Each nakshatra has its own rhythm and own voice but Ardra is different. It’s the storm after the calm.

Sep 29, 20244 min read
Jupiter and Venus conjunction - Jeeva Sanjeevani Yoga
Jupiter ensures that life has meaning, while Venus makes that life worth living through the joys of love, beauty, and healing.

May 9, 20234 min read
When Lord Rama Refused the Order of His Guru
Learn what happened when Sage Vishvamitra and Lord Rama were walking through the forest.

Mar 19, 20233 min read
Aries (Mesha)
Aries: the first zodiac sign associated with passion, action, and independence. Ruled by Mars, it represents the head and is a fire sign.

Mar 18, 20234 min read
Taurus (Rishabha)
Explore the luxurious and resourceful qualities of Taurus in astrology, and discover how they relate to the second house.
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